Ha ha!

You just never know what he'll review next!

Monday 20 January 2020

Burl reviews Parasite! (2019)

Ha ha and ham rolls, it’s Burl, here to review a picture called Parasite! Now, I know just what you’re going to say: “Ha ha, Burl, haven’t you already reviewed Parasite?" No, friends, that was Parasite! This new one is Parasite, and it’s not even about a slimy and rapacious creature, unless that’s how you choose to describe capitalism, and if you do I for one won’t argue!
Of course, Bong Joon-ho already made his literal slimy and rapacious creature movie, The Host, and the funny thing is that you could transpose its title with that of Parasite and it would all make just as much sense as it currently does! Parasite concerns a chronically unemployed family of four, the Kims, who live in a cramped, stink bug-ridden basement apartment, who come across an opportunity to take jobs with a rich family who live in an opulent, modernist house up on a hill! Ha ha, first the son, then the daughter become tutors to the rich Park family’s children; then the Kim father and mother get jobs respectively as the driver and housekeeper to the Parks, with the wealthy family totally unaware that all their new employees are related! The scam seems to be working beautifully until one rainy night…
Ha ha! Well, I’d best not go on with my plot description, because this is a movie best viewed without a thorough awareness of the whole story! There are surprises to come in the second half, and thanks to these the picture in many ways reminded me of Us, which I enjoyed but never did review for you good people! Both movies are parables of inequity at the same time as they are literal, if outlandish, stories of inequity!
But Parasite is the more confidently made and technically accomplished picture, ha ha! It’s mise-en-scene is frequently worthy of Hitchcock, and the acting across the board is superb! Plus it’s very funny, and at the same time contains shots here and there that wouldn’t be out of place in the very scariest of horror pictures; and eventually it even gets a little gory! It’s a terrific movie, and continues South Korea’s tradition of punching above its weight, cinematically!
There’s talk of turning the movie into a TV series, and if that happens my plan is to completely ignore it the way I do most other TV! I’m quite happy with the one self-contained movie, thank you very much! I’m pleased to give Parasite three and a half rotisserie chickens!

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